
My Morning Routine (2021)

by U.S. Olympian Johnny Quinn

The key to a strong morning routine is to keep it simple and consistent.

Here’s how I spend the first two hours of my day:

5:35 AM – Opportunity Bell (Alarm)

  • I lay out my clothes the night before so I don’t waste time trying to figure out what to wear. It’s like elementary school all over again…

5:37 AM – Hygiene 

  • I brush my teeth (duh!) and shave. Every day, I use video email to connect with clients and prospects, and a clean shave looks better on camera. Plus, my wife likes me clean-shaven so it’s a win-win.

Also at 5:37 AM – Priority Time (Audio) 

  • Last year, I read through the bible chronologically in a year with the Bible Recap (it’s fun and super easy to follow). This year, I am doing a deep dive into the New Testament with the YouVersion bible app. Listening to the Word of God as I wake up transforms my heart and my head. It sets the tone for the day. I also like to maximize my time during mundane tasks such as toothbrushing and shaving.

5:50 AM – Make a Morning Brew

  • My caffeine and electrolyte cocktail is as follows: 20 ounces of super cold Berkey filtered water + 1 scoop of Watermelon Spark + 1 scoop of Mango Pineapple Rehydrate. I then proceed to shake my shaker bottle like there is no tomorrow to create a perfectly blended morning concoction.

5:52 AM – 6:15 AM – Priority Time Continued

  • Enjoying my fresh morning brew, I read my bible plan study guide notes for a deeper understanding of what I listened to during my brushing/shaving time. I watch any corresponding videos, then I pray.
  • Sometimes, I read out loud Zig Ziglar’s Self-Talk Card (but quiet enough not to wake anyone up). I use Zig’s biblical version self-talk card.

6:15 AM – 6:30 AM – Email and Socials

  • I check my email and social media. I have to be intentional not checking my email or socials before Priority Time, otherwise, it turns into Time Suck Time. Have we connected on social media yet? I am here: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn.

6:30 AM – 7:20 AM – Workout

  • I have a banana with peanut butter or a mini-Clif Bar right before working out for fuel. My wife and I designed an incredible home gym, which you can see pictures on my Instagram Saved Stories called, Quinn Gym. My workouts vary as I want to improve my fitness across multiple exercise modalities (a.k.a. be a well-rounded fitness junkie). In a typical week, I will do: 2 x run outdoors, 3 x lift weights, 1 x ride indoor bike, 1 x rest day. We have a Peloton bike and my username is @Johnny_Quinn. If you’re on Peloton, let’s ride together!
  • This year, I have a goal to join the Million Meter Club by rowing 1,000,000 meters (625 miles). I use this indoor rower and if you have a rower, come join the fun and row, row, row your boat with me! You can track my row to 1 million meters here.

7:20 AM – 7:30 AM – Get Ready and Protein

  • As a guy, 10 minutes is ample time to shower and get ready for the day (sorry ladies). Especially, if your clothes are laid out the night before. The post-workout drink I make is as follows: 10 ounces of super cold Berkey filtered water + 1 scoop of Chocolate BodyLead (25 grams of high-quality protein). I then proceed to shake it like the cows are coming home.

Our daughter wakes up around 7:30-ish and it’s GO time (breakfast, dishes, play, etc.) until I head to the office to lead our team meeting at 9:00 A.M.

Am I perfect at this? No. But I am consistent. If I miss a day, I don’t dwell on it. I get back on the saddle the next day.

Remember, the key to a strong morning routine is to keep it simple and consistent.

Do you have a morning routine?

I would love to hear about it.

Send me an email.

Thanks for reading,

P.S. Have you seen any of my Mind Gym videos to help strengthen and protect your mindset? They are free.

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